“A Smart Skinvestment”

I cringe when people say, “I just wash my face with soap and use whatever lotion I have around.”
This is not OK.

You’re going to have your skin for a long time, so invest in it!  Make a skinvestment.
It doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
CeraVe skincare has it all, and at a decent price.

CeraVe products contain ceramides, which are oils found naturally in your skin. “Picture your skin as a brick wall. Skin cells and ceramides combine like bricks and cement to create a moisturized, protective skin barrier.” – cerave.com

CeraVe is a mid-priced, no nonsense, effective skincare line.  It’s a trusted drugstore brand you can count on.

Both contain hyaluronic acid, a powerhouse ingredient for hydration. This is an acid your body makes already, CeraVe gives it a boost. Click to shop the set on Amazon.

AM & PM Facial Moisturizing Lotions

Both formulas are time-release, so they provided lasting hydration.  The AM lotion Contains SPF 30 with Invisible Zinc, so it’s clear when absorbed, not that dreaded white. The PM lotion has an added B vitamin to help calm skin.  I found both lotions to be hydrating without being thick and heavy.

Shop the Daily Moisturizing Lotion on Amazon

Moisturizing Cream & Daily Moisturizing Lotion

Don’t forget your body!  I am LOVING these two moisturizers.  They, too, contain ceramides and hyaluronic acid, so the hydration lasts.  No itchy, dry winter skin for me.  These two have me covered.  Literally.

Both are National Eczema Association accepted & recommended for psoriasis prone skin.  My son has eczema & I have psoriasis, so these are go-to’s at my house!

For me, the cream is absolute perfection. I love the pump, so handy! Just look at how rich it is! Shop this cream on Amazon.

CeraVe has more products to address a spectrum of skincare needs.  The products in this post were PR samples, but I’ve purchased CeraVe before myself, and I’ve never been disappointed.

CeraVe skincare products are definitely smart, sensible skinvestment.

These products were given to me as PR samples for consideration for review.  As always, these are my honest opinions.  If a product doesn’t work for me, I simply don’t review it. 

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