While many celebrate sweater weather in their boots with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in hand…
I do not.
I fall apart when fall arrives…and so does my skin.

Cold weather is hard on my skin!  I get so pale and dry.  Generally, I take on a “dull” look.  Over the years I’ve developed skincare tips to combat the effects of cold weather, little changes that make a big difference in my skin


Moisture is hard to find in the colder months.  Indoors there’s dry heat, and outside cold winds!  I’m not fighting oil or sweating a lot, so my cleanser really just needs to remove makeup without drying me out even more than Old Man Winter already has.

Here’s one cleanser I’m loving:
–  Cerave Hydrating Cleanser  – With ceramides and hyaluronic acid for binding moisture to the skin, it cleans without drying, and doesn’t leave you feeling like you have a film on your face.

For really dry skin, try this amazing Coconut Oil Cleansing Balm  from Yes To.  It’s so gentle and comforting while it cleanses, removing every bit of makeup.  Rinsing it off is easy, and there’s no greasy residue.

The Best Drugstore Skincare For Women Over 40


I buy a mulit-pack of Classic Chapstick and put one in the car, in my nightstand, and in my purse.  I carry it with me and wear it to bed.  No, it’s not glamorous, but it’s a no-nonsense skin protector that works!  There’s a reason it’s a classic.


Rosehip Oil is my multipurpose, must-have, go-to moisturizer all year long, but it becomes especially important in Fall & Winter.  There’s really nothing it can’t do.

For all the uses I’ve found for it, check out my review here.  There’s just too many good things to say about it, and you really need to know all of them.


Check Out My Review

If you like just the lightest touch of oil, try Rose Glow Mist from Pixi.  I love this in the summer as a touch of hydration.

In winter I mist some on to finish a dewy look, or spray some on a sponge to add a little glow over my makeup or refresh a look.

4 • I Use a Humidifier At Night

All that dry heat pumping through your house dries out your skin AND hair.  There are tons of humidifiers out there, so go get one.  My advice:

Make sure it’s one you will actually CLEAN.  Look at the directions before you buy.

Some are just nightmares to clean, which means you won’t do it and the humidifier will never get used.

Bonus:  This is a great way to stay healthy during cold and flu season.
I use the Honeywell Mistmate Cool Humidifier, with no filter and an easy-to-clean tank.

More Colors Available On Amazon


I love a little healthy color!  It really helps me feel brighter, and in turn that lifts my mood.

In winter, my mood depends largely on self tanners.

My favorite way to get some sunkissed color is from the Clarins family of self-tanners for face and body.  You can’t miss with these — never streaky, never orange, and they don’t smell bad.  Very natural color!

My favorites are the Clarins Glow Boosters.  You simply add a few drops to your favorite moisturizer and it becomes a self-tanner.

See My Review And Decide Which One Is Right For You

When summer is gone, and I’ve moved through the stages of grief and made it to acceptance, these little tips keep me smiling through the pain of the cold months.

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