As with any product you try, patch test these masks on a small area of your skin before using them all over your face.  If you have food allergies to any of these ingredients, don’t put them on your skin.  Don’t reuse or save any mask in the fridge.

I’m not normally a DIY girl, but these aren’t exactly normal times….

After weeks stuck in the house on shelter-in-place orders, I think we’re all looking for ways to relieve the boredom, and hopefully to calm our worried minds.

Spa Day At Home

Money might be tight right now, but you still want to spoil yourself with something.  It’s important to have things to look forward to!  Self care is incredibly important right now.

Relieving stress and making yourself helps to keep your immune system strong.

I’ve got a suggestion that’s cheap, healthy, and gives you glowing skin:  DIY Facial Masks!
And what else do you really have to do 😉

Relieve your boredom with a little activity:  Whip up your very own facials at home!  Here are 3 you might like:

To Hydrate Skin:
1/2 Avocado
1 Tbsp Honey
1/4 Cup Oats

The avocados in this DYI facial are obviously hydrating, but did you know they contain the super moisturizer vitamin E?  The honey has healing properties that nourish skin, plus it’s anti-bacterial so it can help with acne.  You might even notice some fading of dark spots!

Oatmeal is a humectant, which means that it helps your skin retain moisture. When used with skin-hydrating ingredients like avocado and honey, oatmeal can help your skin retain moisture for glowing skin.

DIY Facial

To Tighten Pores:
I Egg White
1 Tbsp Honey
Splash of Lemon Juice

First, let me emphasize that there is a tiny splash of lemon in this DIY facial mask.  You don’t want to use too much, as it can cause lightening of the skin.  (And sounds like it would hurt, honestly.)  The acid will work as an exfoliant, clearing away dead cells that contribute to a dull look.

An egg white can clean and tighten pores as well as many of the products out there on store shelves, in my opinion.  And the protein helps improve skin’s firmness.  This is a great mask for oily, or acne prone skin.


DIY Facial

To Exfoliate And Moisturize:
Small Handful Of Almonds
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
Toss the almonds into a food processor or smash them in a plastic bag before mixing them with the olive oil.

The vitamin E in almonds helps hydrate skin.  When massaged onto your face, the ground almonds make a great exfoliant!

Olive oil contains the antioxidants Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Polyphenols and Phytosterolsthat.  Antioxidants help to stop free radicals in our environment from causing skin damage that makes us look older.  For hydration and protection, oil oil is perfection.

Take a little time and be good to yourself with a DIY facial.  Remember, self care is NOT selfish.

You might also like my post on Facial Steaming…

DIY Facial Steaming


Diy Facial

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