If you’re over 50 like me, and you’re always looking for tips to look your best, read on…
Here are my 5 Top Tips for applying makeup to my over-50 skin.
Tip 1: Easy On The Eyes
I always apply my foundation *before* applying any concealer around my eyes. I have discovered that once the skin tone on my face has evened out with foundation, my eye area doesn’t look so bad to me anymore. As a result, I use less concealer around my eyes.
Less is more when it comes to the eye area.
Caking on concealer on the delicate skin around the eyes only makes wrinkles look worse, so I want to use as little as possible.

Tip 2: It Takes Two
Generally speaking, it’s wise to choose a lightweight, dewy foundation that enhances your natural glow. Thick, full-coverage foundations will make you look older.
That being said, there are parts of my face that look best with a matte foundation—something with a bit more coverage. On my T-zone I apply a matte foundation to minimize my large pores. Everywhere else on my face, I use a dewy foundation.
I have found that using different foundations for different parts of my face gives me the best results. Here are two I’m loving right now. They are the same color (shade 220), but one is a matte foundation and one is dewy.

Tip 3: The Power of Eyebrows
Thin, sparse brows are aging. Try a brow serum to grow fuller brows.
Fuller brows can take years off your face. Believe it.
Invest in a good eyebrow pencil or powder to fill in sparse areas and give those arches some oomph. And remember, they’re meant to be cousins, not identical twins. Perfectly imperfect is the name of the game.
My all-time favorite brow enhancer is from Anastasia.

Tip 4: Hold Your Powder
Creamy textures are where it’s at for mature skin. I love cream blushes, highlighters, and bronzers. Powders can be drying and make you look older.
However, there are exactly two places on my face that I DO use powder. Number 1: I use a teeny dusting around my eyes to set the concealer and keep it from creasing. I use the smallest, fluffy brush possible.

Number 2: I use a tiny, narrow brush to add a little powder to my lip line, usually over lip liner. It keeps it from bleeding into my lip lines.
This is my ultimate favorite setting powder. I use so little, it lasts forever!

Tip 5: Too Old For Bold?
The darker my lipstick, the older I look. I hate it, but it’s true. This does not mean I am limited to nude shades. No way! To get a pop of color, I start out with a pink lipstick all over my lips, then I add a bolder color to just the center of my lips and blend it out a bit. I get all the color without aging my face up.
So there you have it, my Top Five Makeup Tips Over 50 to help you look (and feel) your best. If you have a great tip to share, please do! You may hold the solution to someone’s beauty issue.
Cheers to beauty knowing no age, and to all of us feeling fabulous at 50 and beyond!