Crépe Erase® Advanced Review
This is a sponsored post, which means I was paid to write this review. As always, all opinions are my own. This post contains links to crepeerase.com. I do not receive compensation for sales. Buy The Deluxe Kit At...
Crépe Erase® Ultra: A Glowing Review
The Body Firm, LLC compensated Cremes Come True with an advertising sponsorship to write this article. Buy Crépe Erase® at crepeerase.com I'm often asked, "Does Crépe Erase® *really* work?" If you are sick of spending money on moisturizers that fade away through...

Crépe Erase® Advanced Body + Face Skincare Systems
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own, I only review products that work well for me. After turning 40, I started noticing the slow creep up of crepey skin on my arms, knees, legs, and chest. I couldn't stand for that crépe, so I tried Crépe Erase®. I saw...

The Best Drugstore Lipstick Colors – Maybelline Favorites
Tired of wasting money on lipstick colors that looked terrible on me, I turned to Pinterest, as one does, for help. I made a list of the color swatches I saw over and over in "The Best Drugstore Lipstick Colors" posts. I kept that list handy on my phone, and when I...

NARS Orgasm Blush Dupe
NARS Orgasm Blush Dupe I've finally found a NARS Orgasm Blush Dupe! The sheer warm pink with golden shimmer in the cream-to-powder formula of the NARS Multiple Stick is a cult favorite for a reason. This color creates a beautiful glow that flatters so many skin...

Cel MD Microstem Shampoo & Conditioner Review
This is a sponsored post. As always these are my own opinions, I only review products I like. I do not receive commission for any items you purchase. Use the code AUDREY30 for 30% off your purchase (Valid through 12/31/19) Click HERE To Buy Cel MD Microstem Shampoo...
Drugstore Favorites

Drugstore Makeup Dupes
Who doesn't LOVE drugstore makeup dupes?! I mean, I love makeup, I love my money, and I actually enjoy the search for the perfect dupe. It is truly amazing what you can find in drugstore brands now. They're always improving, and there's always something new on the...