“Pore Me Another” : PCA Skin Nutrient Toner Review

I’ve heard about studies that claim drinking wine may have health & skincare benefits.  I love those studies because it makes me feel even better about drinking wine.
But what about applying wine directly onto my face?  What would that do?  I found out.

I’ve tried PCA Skin Nutrient Toner, which is a  pumpkin wine based formula.  This is no gimmick – wine and pumpkins have long been touted having anti-aging properties, so this really just makes sense.  This formula isn’t your average toner, it’s a pretty powerful exfoliant, WITH NO HARSH SCRUBBY BEADS.  That’s important to me, as my skin just can’t tolerate exfoliating scrubs like it used to.

PCA Skincare Nutrient Toner Review

Buy This Toner On Amazon

The older you get, the slower your skin cell turnover rate becomes, so helping that process along becomes more important.  Without exfoliating, you get dull skin.  Your other skincare products, like retinol, will work better for you if they don’t have to fight through layers of dead cells.

Exfoliation is key for minimizing lines pores.  Think about it this way:  If a tabletop has a scratch in the surface or a pit in it, you could sand those out with sandpaper, or at least make them more shallow and less obvious.  Think of your face as that tabletop, the scratch is a wrinkle and the pit is a pore.  You could “sand” them with a scrub, but PCA Skin Nutrient Toner does the same thing, lessening fine lines and pores, but without the scrubbing.  It’s exfoliating properties come from lactic acid and the enzymes in the pumpkin wine.  I’ll drink to that. 

PCA Skin Nutrient Toner Review

Impressive Ingredients*:

  • Pumpkin wine – produced by fermenting whole pumpkin, this ingredient offers the nutritional benefits of pumpkin, including vitamin A and vitamin C.
  • Lactic acid – naturally found in milk and sugars, this ingredient moisturizes the skin.  I absolutely love lactic acid & look for it in products.  It was the main reason I wanted to try this.
  • Aminoguanidine – an ingredient that supports skin, keeping it soft and supple.

Once a day, usually at night, I use a cotton pad to swipe this over my face after cleansing.  I avoid the eye area.  There’s a slight tingle as it is absorbed.  And it smells like pumpkin spice!

Gentle yet effective exfoliation.
Helps refine lines and pores.
Pore me another, please.


* Information found on PCA Skin Website

This product was a Public Relations sample provided to me for consideration for review.  As always these are my honest thoughts.  If a product does not work well for me, I don’t review it.




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