I enjoyed writing up my first post on “Cheap Luxuries,” that I’ve decided to write up another one.  Cheap luxuries are items that don’t cost a lot, but make my life easier or just make me really happy.

Treat Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

Speaking of being happy, I AM!  Because it’s the most wonderful time of the year!  It’s that hap-happiest season of all!  Nope, not Christmas.  I’m talking about  S U M M E R !

I take my summer fun very seriously.

Lazy days by the pool are what I love most in summer.  Over the years, I’ve discovered a few things that make my poolside experience the best that it can be.  It all starts with my towel…

Treat Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

Buy This Towel On Amazon

This towel is sand-resistant, which is AWESOME at the beach.  It’s big, soft, super-absorbent and it dries quickly.  I hate drying off with a wet towel.  It’s cold!  And you never really feel dry.

The towel folds up small and is easily tucked into my tote.  I’m never shoving a giant towel into my bag, leaving room for nothing else.

Treat Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

Buy This Towel On Amazon

But here’s the main reason I love this towel…

This towel is smooooth — not bumpy like most terry cloth towels.  I don’t like laying on terry cloth towels because when you get up your skin looks all bumpy.  The nap of the towel gives my skin a “textured” look.  Ew.

I don’t need any added dimples on my skin.  I have plenty, thanks.

People might think I’m crazy, but I don’t care.  The towel makes me happy.  It fixes a bunch of little problems that bother me, both on the beach and at the pool.

Which brings me to my next cheap luxury.  My towel clips!!!


Treat Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

My Clips & Towel At The Pool 🙂

I bet you can relate to this problem:  Your towel slips off the back off your lounger the minute you reach for your drink.  And rolling over?  Forget it. Your towel will get all bunched up.  Or worse, it ends up on the ground in a puddle.  Gross.

Problem solved…

See All The CUTE Options On Amazon

I can relax, confident in the knowledge that moving around is OK.  My towel isn’t going anywhere.  Not with my flamingos on watch.

When I’m all settled on my lounger, it’s time to get lost in an audio book.  It’s one of the best stress relievers for me.  With the Audible app, I never forget to bring a book along.  It’s always right there in my phone!


If you’re an Amazon Prime Member, Audible gives you access to free full-length audiobooks exclusive to Prime members as well as popular, Audible-produced news, humor, and crime podcasts.

The second season of Big Little Lies has just started on HBO.  If you didn’t see season one, and you want to quickly catch up on the story line, then I suggest the book that started it all!  Listen in your car or on the treadmill, and you’re up to speed in no time.

Buy The Audiobook On Amazon

Take some time this summer.  Find a few things that make you feel a little happier.  Steal a couple hours that are just your own, and treat yourself without spending a fortune.

Treat Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

Treat Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

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