2 Easy Ways To Look Younger Over 40

Some signs of aging are obvious, like wrinkles and gray hair.

Then there are sneaky, subtle changes that quietly add years to your face.  Like tired/dry/overworked eyes.  Or stained, dingy teeth.  When you’re trying to look younger over 40, don’t underestimate the power of these subtle, little changes.

Subtle signs of aging add up…and together they add years to your face.

White teeth and bright eyes are hallmarks of health!  They quietly signal youth and health.  Add those bright, youthful signs to your face with two products I’m loving.

1.  Bausch + Lomb Lumify™ Redness Reliever Eye Drops

Buy Lumify on Amazon

Look bright-eyed with a little help from Lumify™.  For me, this stuff is waaaaaay better than Visine or Clear Eyes.  Instantly, your eyes are white.  Not whiter, WHITE.  One drop in each eye erases all traces of red, brightens my eyes, and helps give me healthier looking face overall.  Effects last for 8 hours.

The whites of my eyes look like I photo-shopped them.  But it’s real life!

Eye strain from too much screen time?  No problem.  Up too late?  Got a hangover?  Only you and Lumify™ will know.  The result is surprising.

You don’t realize how tired your eyes look until you see them looking so bright and white!


2.  Crest Noticeably White Whitestrips

I might be the last person on Earth to try whitening strips. I have sensitive teeth and I was scared that the strips might cause more sensitivity.  Then I saw the the Crest Noticeably White Kit.  Honestly, it was relatively inexpensive, so I thought it had to be pretty weak— which was fine with me.  I figured a weak formula would be less likely to cause me pain.  Plus, I’m cheap.

Buy Crest Noticeably White Whitestrips On Amazon

But there was nothing cheap about the results.  I used the strips for ten days, 30 minutes each day.  They were easy to use and produced amazing results without increasing my sensitivity at all.

My teeth were noticeably whiter.  Even my son noticed, and you know kids are brutally honest.

Think about it.  Young faces look healthy, bright-eyed with white smiles!  These are hallmarks of youth and overall health.  Making little changes like brightening your eyes and teeth produces a younger, healthier, more vibrant look.

These small changes will have people thinking, “She looks great. What’s different?”

Note: These are two changes that work for men as well.  My husband has his own bottle of Lumify™ now.

I’m not saying you’ll look 20 again.  I’m just saying that some things age you up, and some things refresh your face.
These are two little things.
But little things add up to make a big difference.


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